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Self Portrait

1971 my first painting. Neo Zoid Sapien

Still Life (but not as we know it)

Portraits (Green ladies were in)

Get orff mi land!

I started painting shortly after leaving leaving skoohell 1971. My mum once ask me, "What did me and my girlfriend do all night, in my bedroom?". I told her "I do a bit of painting and she was doing a bit of reading"........"What with the lights off". mum replied. They're painted in Poster Paints or the more poncey name of Gouache. I'm afraid the reproduction isn't very clear, pre digital camera and scanners. I would of liked to have painted some more but my cartoons were getting published prior to Smut and we set up home in 83. That's when the DIY ? garden stuff happened and I started Pottery night school, thinking I would make cups, pots, plates and kicheny stuff. Yeah that never happend, as you'll have seen if you've looked on my pottery page. Too many hobbies the painting had to go, it was doing my eyes in painting with the lights off. It's now been replaced photoshop.

Homely Girl

Fairies & Water Nymphs