About me

This is my latest reincarnation. Born in 1955 AD to Rosemary Elizabeth Moore (Yes I know, Rosemary's baby) Father unknown, a bit of a beast according to Mum

Here I am a few years on and still innocent. You may notice I've inherited the Ghengis Khan gene, ironically a former incarnation of mine.

This was me in my last incarnation. I'm afraid photography had not been invented on all previous reincarnations.

Plenty of paintings exist of me in one of my most famous incarnation. This is me and Dad planning our best scram ever, I'm the one on the left.

Here I am at 15 , practicing fishing. Puberty started early and all innocence was lost by 13. The 1970s was a bad fashion decade. Tanktops and flares with big collared shirts and crepe soled shoes, how shit was that.


1975 aged 20. Fashion still shit but look at the cool classic car. Still keen on outdoor pursuits, took up hunting, mainly drive by fox shootings and park pigeons but my favorite was Hells Angels. They're all phonies, pictured with me are two real Hells Angels, legionaries Judas and Loki, part of my recruitment team.

A far easier way to recruit, is to get part of my DNA, in to a host donor. What better way than to give blood. Thanks to the unusual properties of my blood the National Blood Transfusion Service were only to happy to take as much as I could give them.

(Far left)

Here I am at 25 in 1980 receiving an award from Sir Douglas Black, M.D.,P.R.C.P. President, Royal College of Physicians for 100 donations of plasma.


And here I am again at 39 in 1994 receiving an award for 250 donations, from Dr Lavinia Loughridge, MB, Royal College of Physicians.

Have you received any blood products in the past 35 years ? Then you could already be part of my sleeping Legion.




Tied the knot at 32 and still happily married to Sharnia, the high priestess of the largest Coven in the South West. After 32 years of falling under the old witches spell, there's nothing I like more than to give her a good worshiping. As a result of all that worshiping we now have two little angels. Born in 1993 & 97.

To see the spawn of my loins click here.


Here we all are in 1999

In 2000 when the predicted YK2 Armageddon never happened (a cock up due to mans tinkering with the original calendar) we relocated from Egham in Surrey and now over look Heaven.

Click here to see views from Purgatory to the Heavens..

2015 and my baby girls are all grow up



Website by BLZ_Bob