Welcome to the real Willie.


Many of the original Willie story lines are based on true stories from my dog owning friends, hence the long delay in me getting my own mutt. (Nov 2009)
Well this is Poppy, she (yes she, no way was I getting a male dog) she's a cross between a Wired Haired Fox Terrier with a Miniature Schnauzer, two of my favorite dogs, how could I resist.
She's been the inspiration for my last six story lines.
Below is a pre Poppy story line and an example of how Poppy and one of my fish interacted, maybe not in the same way but the fish (named Colin) was well and truly f**k*d.


Before & After haircut

This is the little monster, Poppy it's short for Poop & Pee, she's a great little dog, about the size of a Jack Russel with the energy of a Greyhound on acid. She takes me on some great walks, someday I'm hoping to train her to walk on all four legs on the lead. I'm still working on the SIT! command, sadly she still thinks it means BARK! One thing, no two, of the many things, I didn't realize about dogs was how much they poo'd and pee'd. Poppy seems to prefer to poo in front of an audience, I can walk her 1.5 miles down a quiet road in to town, where she'll then have three craps within a few hundred yards, all in the most strategically embarrassing places. And the most annoying thing is, you've only brought two poo bags. She also seems to save up her urine for town, there's not the same amount of scent marking every so many yards, just the walking on two legs thing and the choking noises. Then once in town and the most embarrassing spot located , where maximum spread, incline, [trickle factor for block paving or slip factor for marble floors] calculated, the flood gates are released. And the most annoying thing is I've used my last tissues picking up that runny third turd.

Poppy does have an annoying habit of barking during the middle of the night at any noise from outside, normally the badgers. It usually starts with low growling first, followed by the loud woofing, then the clatter of claws down the staircases, the crash of the cat flap and then the more hysterically barking outside. I lay there hoping to hear her come back through the catflap and clatter back upstairs to bed but no, the bark changes to the let me in woof! This is when I've got to get out of bed, go down two flights of stairs and stand by the open side door and try to coax the dog back in, it's no good trying to shout in your lowest shoutyist voice at 2:30am "Poppy IN!" she seems to think this means " Stand still, now back off slowly, now run" She only comes within grabbing distance if you call "Good girl" which sounds like I'm rewarding her for barking and dragging me out of bed.

Before we got Poppy we had fed the local badgers for ten years on kitchen scraps just a few feet from the window, generations of badgers had grown up on gourmet dining. And then came Poppy and then their world of easy dining stopped, up went the extra gates to keep Poppy from accessing the garden and when that didn't work, the final insult, the pony stopping electric fence went up. A great success in keeping Poppy in and everything else out. There was only one problem the kitchen scraps now went in the dustbins located in the un-electrified front garden. The dustbin lids were held tight with bungy straps but that only annoyed the badgers who slowly over a few months destroyed two dustbins. I now have a sturdy wooden construction to secure our rubbish from attack, which has now turned the badgers attention to attacking the adjacent compost bins.

Poppy update June 2011. Purchased an electric shock collar which gives a loud high pitched warning tone ,when the dog barks. On the third bark a mild electric shock, going up in voltage if the barking continues. It's brilliant and only 9 quid, I only have to show it to her and she stops, half the time it's got no batteries and still psychologically works. I've also discovered that by simply turning the garden hose on causes Poppy to run indoors, which is great, it's just a pity it's normally 2:00am. Poppy has now learnt how to bark very, very quietly without setting off the collar, it sounds funny just a pity I'm trying to sleep.




Website by BLZ_Bob